A wide selection of Ponoi articles and editorials posted around the world, some of them 25 years ago!
Please click on the links below to go the selected article.
G Loomis signs Soviet accord, December 12, 1991
To Russia with Love, Fly Rod & Reel, January 1991 issue
The Big Secret, Field & Stream 1991
G Loomis first Ponoi brochure 1991
Spectacular Salmon fishing in Russia, NYT October 1991
Summit on the Ponoi, Sporting Classics 1992
Great Salmon Rivers, Frontiers 1992
A river Russias through it, Forbes 1993
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 1993
Democrat and Chronical, More than words 1994
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 1995
Catch and Release comes to Russian Salmon 1995
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 1996
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 1997
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 1999
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 2000
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 2001
The Epic Salmon of Kola, Fly Rod and Reel April 2008
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 2009
Ponoi brochure by Frontiers 2011
Stairway to Heaven, Simms Catalogue Spring 2012
Frontiers Northern Hemisphere brochure, 2013
A Heaven for Salmon, NYTimes June 2013